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Lane donates to food bank
Coffeeshop De Steeg from Woerden donates €25,000 to the Woerden Food Bank. Owner Leo de Bruin thinks it is now the time to give back to society. 'We live in uncertain times because of the coronavirus. We are fortunate to be able to keep going, but there are plenty of people and companies that are struggling today. We have to help and support each other and I would like to do my bit in this way.'

The donation consists of a monthly contribution for a whole year. 'We don't want to be a drop in the ocean, but make a structural contribution to the food bank in Woerden. Unfortunately, it is also necessary for the food bank to exist. In the near future, more and more people will have to come here for help. It is also a pity that there is a certain threshold for people to use it. There may be some kind of shame to knock on the door of the food bank. We need to get that threshold down as quickly as possible. Everyone can be against it once, especially in this increasing recession due to the coronavirus. Then it is important that you can fall back on the help of family and friends, but certainly as important are the civil society organisations such as the local food bank', says the coffee shop owner. De Bruin hopes that his example will also make other entrepreneurs or individuals think. Especially entrepreneurs who have done well lately. 'It would be nice if they would give back in their own way to those who are struggling. After all, we have to do it for, by and with each other.
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New opening hours
WATCH OUT! From 1 July we will be closed every day at 23:00. Click here for our opening hours.